Kim Kardashian Drops Lawsuit After Tabloid Apologizes for Fake Robbery Claims

Kim, who previously sued MediaTakeOut over three fake stories about her robbery, let the site off the hook after they issued an apology and retraction on their website.

Kim Kardashian has voluntarily dismissed the lawsuit against a tabloid which claimed that she staged the Paris robbery. The reality TV star previously sued MediaTakeOut after getting ignored when she asked them to publish a retraction and apologize for three false articles about the terrifying ordeal.

MTO issued the apology on Monday, October 24. "MediaTakeOut regrettably published a series of false stories about Kim Kardashian West suggesting she faked the robbery in Paris, lied to authorities and then filed a $5.6 million fraudulent insurance claim for her stolen jewelry," read a statement posted on their website.

"MediaTakeOut knows that Mrs. Kardashian West was in fact robbed in Paris," it continued. "We have permanently removed from our website any and all posts that suggested she staged the robbery, lied about it to the French police and committed an insurance crime."

Earlier this month, Kim's legal team filed a federal lawsuit against the tabloid and its owner Fred Mwangaguhunga for three stories including one saying that the "Keeping Up with the Kardashians" star "staged" the robbery for publicity.

"After having been the victim of a horrific and traumatic armed robbery in France, Kim Kardashian returned to the United States only to again be victimized, but this time by an online gossip tabloid that published a series of articles in early October 2016 referring to her a liar and thief," her lawsuit read. "Defendants' reckless and malicious publication of the Articles was calculated to cause maximum harm to Kardashian."


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