'Brady Bunch' Star Susan Olsen Loses Her Job at L.A. Radio After Homophobic Rant

The former child actress gets fired as a Los Angeles radio show co-host after hurling homophobic slur at her openly-gay critic.

Susan Olsen was fired from a Los Angeles radio show. The former child star known for her role as a lovable Cindy on "The Brady Bunch" lost her job after launching into a homophobic rant against her openly-gay critic Leon Acord-Whiting.

Whiting appeared on Olsen's radio talk show "Two Chicks Talkin' Politics" and accused her of spreading "outrageous information." In an angry response, Olsen now 55 years old sent Whiting a very offensive message on Facebook, repeatedly hurling F-slur.

"Hey there little p***y, let me get my big boy pants on and Reallly take you on!!! What a snake in the grass you are you lying piece of s**t too cowardly to confront me in real life so you do it on Facebook. You are the biggest f****t a** in the world the biggest p***y! My D**k is bigger than yours Which ain't sayin much! What a true piece of s**t you are! Lying f****t! I hope you meet your karma SLOWLY AND PAINFULLY," Olsen wrote.

Whiting replied, "A real journalist would have responded to my complaints with dignity. Nowhere amongst all of Susan Olsen's homophobic insults did she address, defend or deny the things she said on the show that I originally was complaining about. #TypicalTrumpBS."

Soon after the debacle, Olsen was canned. "LA Talk Radio takes pride in its close and collaborative relationship with the LGBT community, and will continue to provide a home for those who have hopeful and positive messages of togetherness and tolerance to share with our listeners," the radio station said. "We will not tolerate hateful speech by anyone associated with our radio station and have severed our ties with a host that veered off the direction in which we are going."

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