The actor known for his role as Chuck Bass on 'Gossip Girl' allegedly forced himself on Aurelie Wynn in the Glendower Estates.
Wynn wrote on Facebook that she was raped by Westwick at his rented house in the Glendower Estates. The British star reportedly "ripped" her bathing suit. "I said no and he pushed me face down and was powerless under his weight," she recalled.
It happened in July 2014, five months after he allegedly forced himself on Cohen. And just like Cohen, Wynn told her boyfriend but he wasn't sympathetic. "I told the guy I was seeing that I got raped, Mark Salling, and when he found out by who he pretended not to know him, then blamed me for it and broke it off with me," Wynn claimed.
She kept quiet because she felt she didn't have the support from people around her. "My other friends and people around me told me it was best not to say anything, to not be 'that girl' and that no one would believe me and think I was just out trying to get my 10 seconds of fame," she explained.
The incident allegedly made her quit acting. "I questioned how much I really wanted to be in entertainment as I didn't see it getting better. And at what cost? I've since moved on from acting and wanted just to reenforce Kristin Cohen's claim as I believe them to be true," she wrote.
She decided to share her story after the bombshell dropped by Cohen. "I believe you Kristina Cohen and thank you for speaking up so eloquently and really encompassing what young female actresses have to go through at the hands of men like Ed Westwick. Without you I would not have had the strength to speak up publicly about my ordeal," she concluded.
Cohen responded on her own FB page, "I honor you Aurelie Wynn! You are a hero! You are SACRED and DIVINE! And nobody can take that away from you! It is your birthright! My love is with you! We can heal and bring each other up! I cannot wait to embrace you my sister. We're all in this together! It's time!"
Cohen recently filed a police report against Westwick. She had two witnesses back up her claim. Her friend Blaise Godbe Lipman, who's also a sexual assault survivor, and her sister Katalina Colgate. She told both of them about the incident shortly after it happened. Westwick is now under investigation by the LAPD.
Westwick denied both allegations. He claimed that he didn't know Cohen following her accusation. He issued another statement soon after Wynn published her own story. "It is disheartening and sad to me that as a result of two unverified and provably untrue social media claims, there are some in this environment who could ever conclude I have had anything to do with such vile and horrific conduct," he stated. "I have absolutely not, and I am cooperating with the authorities so that they can clear my name as soon as possible."
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