Shailene Woodley Breaks Silence Following Her Trespassing Arrest

The 'Divergent' actress has returned to social media after she was released following trespassing arrest during the Dakota Access Pipeline protest.

Shailene Woodley is not giving up her fight against the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline. The "Divergent" actress took to Instagram on Tuesday, October 11 to share a message to her fellow protestors after she was released from jail in North Dakota.

Shailene posted a photo of people canoeing on lake along with caption, "One day, baby, we'll sing our poetry. The words dripping from our tongues wet with ripened patience. And the lyrics, the sweet fruits born from the seeds our aging hands are now sowing. #alwaysinallways #heartforward #uptous #NoDAPL #protectcleanwater #iamonyourside."

Shailene's posting received positive supports from her followers. One commenter wrote, "Your dedication is very much appreciated, bless you." A second follower posted, "SO DAMN PROUD OF YOU!! Rock on girl." Another one shared, "You really are a great role model @shailenewoodley i hope younger generation will be a lot like you on how to fight for the things you think are right and standing up for it.. And really caring about the things that matters and not trivial hollywood melodramas.. Thank u for being you."

Prior to her arrest, Shailene shared a photo of her doing yoga on a large rock. She captioned it, "Yo, #standingrock. we on our way. #protectcleanwater #NoDAPL #uptous." The "Allegiant" actress also posted a picture of her lying in the sun. "Grieving to forgive. forgiving to make space. making space to love wider. loving wider to .... heal," she captioned it, "#love #healyourwounds #healourearth #healourancestries #heartforward #alwaysinallways #uptous #NoDAPL."

Real-life whistleblower Edward Snowden has come to the defense of Shailene, who played his girlfriend alongside Joseph Gordon-Levitt in "Snowden".


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